Maximize your time & energy.

Minimize the time-wasters.

Get more done, with tech.

14 on-demand modules with streaming video, downloadable Executive Summaries, worksheets, & a community of top performers.


What if you could get more time & more in the day—and feel good about it?

Introducing Hack Productivity, a complete playbook to supercharge your productivity. This program is for you if you: 

  • Feel overwhelmed with an endless list of things to do.
  • Constantly look with guilt at your to-do list.
  • Tried all the self-help productivity systems but something seems missing.

I’ve found that ex-high performers were accustomed to using a to-do list, a paper calendar, and check boxes. They survived high school, college, maybe even grad school. Likely, they grew up in a cycle of submitting assignments, following the rubric, and completing things as directed. Their job: finish their term, do as instructed.

Fast forward to now, and adulting has become exponentially difficult. Work life is a mess. Projects are open-ended. They struggle to coordinate with multiple teams and bosses; they might even be working a few extra side jobs in this gig economy.

And even after ending their full-time job late in the evening, they feel tired, exhausted, and stressed — because they still have more work to finish on nights and weekends!

Sound familiar?

You may also be carrying over old, outdated habits into your professional life. And the overwhelm feels unsustainable.

The overwhelming work-from-home & 24-hour-work blues

How can we possibly maintain our productivity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic? Isn’t it hard to keep working, when we’re living under constant threat of yet another community shutdown and an endless barrage of bad news?

Workers like you and I have faced change after change, motivation challenges, difficulties with remote working, mental fatigue, and negative feelings. Not to mention, the spread of coronavirus has magnified both economic and emotional pressures.

While the ability to work remotely once sounded like a luxury, it has now become an exercise in monotony.

The Hamster Wheel

So many of us are working harder than ever, but feel like little gets done. Companies find that in 2020, workers are on their computers for more hours than they used to.

Family Uncertainty

If you’re a parent, you might be caring for your children while holding meetings — at the same time! Daycares have restrictions, so there are fewer people to care for your baby. Schools are re-opening and closing again due to coronavirus outbreaks. This uncertainty impacts your work performance.

Zoom Fatigue

Zoom fatigue is real. Hours and hours of video calls on tiny mobile devices — juggling different online tools for different colleagues — sapping energy, leaving precious little time for real work.


What if you could get more done—while keeping your sanity & life balance?

Imagine feeling in control. You wake up, feeling refreshed from a good night’s rest. You didn’t even set your alarm!

You press your phone to check the day’s weather. No texts from the night before. No e-mails to stress you out. You’re feeling good.

Imagine starting your day. You head to your kitchen to brew fresh coffee. You enjoy a light breakfast, then head to your dedicated work space. Then, opening your computer, you knock out the biggest 3 tasks you wrote down last night. Check. Check. And check. You get these done in 3 half-hour time blocks.

With your morning energy, you’re feeling accomplished already!

Imagine getting into your personalized self-care routine. You conquer 60 minutes of exercise. It’s solid aerobic cardio — with a bit of weightlifting — but it comes to you so easily because you’ve made it an everyday habit for months.

It’s not even lunchtime yet, and you’re already on your way towards a winning day. You now see an opportunity to mow through the e-mails from the last 12 hours. You’re on your way towards work domination, thanks to your Hack Productivity setup. 

Imagine zeroing that e-mail inbox. You feel relaxed and happy with your work life.


I used to be lost in a never-ending cycle of work.

I remember feeling like I was lost in a constant stream of work. When I entered my professional career, I faced numerous choices — and when I saw what my colleagues were doing, they seemed to do it all.

I used to envy those productive people. They garner recognition, list project after project on their CV, fill their social media with posts crowing about their latest professional accomplishments. Not only would they launch their own nonprofit, but they would work another job, get ahead in their training and certification...and all while maintaining a smile.

When I looked at myself, I felt like I was merely drifting, just going through the motions, trying to scrape by. I had high expectations for myself, but felt I had little to show for it.

Yet, I stared at my never-ending list of things to do. Hours pass as the unchecked boxes made me nervous. I thought to myself, “I want to get these done, but I haven’t done it. Maybe I’m just lazy.”

And then, the thought of giving up the day and relaxing for the night made me feel even more guilty — so I would try to force myself to cram in more work tasks with half the energy.

Clearly, I have been there: overwhelmed, stressed. And I know I’m not alone.


What I’ve learned from top performers 

So, I spent years learning from top performers, observing how they operate. I’ve realized that top performers don’t work harder, but work differently: they live by a different playbook.

And after a decade, I’ve decoded that into a playbook and course which I now want to share with you.

You can do all this while keeping calm, and having fun in the process. I’ve learned so much over the years, and it’s made a positive impact in various facets of life:

Medical & Surgical Training

I’ve spent years through intense medical training, serving thousands of patients in high-stakes life-or-death work environments. I’ve jumped through hoops to do extraordinary things, collaborated with others to open a free clinic for the underserved, coached the next generation of healthcare professionals, and eventually earned education awards.

Business & Technology

I’ve spent years entrenched in the Silicon Valley startup ethos, on expert creative marketing teams and software engineering gurus at a startup. We got acquired by Microsoft. I moved on to collaborate with phenomenal teams on groundbreaking digital technologies and businesses.

Mental Health & Human Performance

I’ve spent years learning psychiatry and mindsets. These mental frameworks for cognition and behavior are the bedrock of a positive, healthy lifestyle. These are essential techniques you won’t find in your usual productivity and success course.


“What are some of the problems I’m facing?”

So now, you have to ask yourself, what is it worth if: 

You could free up time for the people who matter to you in life — your friends, your family, or a significant other?

The weight of “shoulda, woulda, coulda” were lifted off your shoulders?

Wouldn’t it be nice — and freeing — to flow through your day?

You could wake up relaxed each morning, ready to conquer your tasks — and actually follow through with the conquering, without the nagging fear of procrastination over your head?

Problem 1: I’m overwhelmed. I just have too much to do already.

You have hundreds of obligations swimming your mind, and it’s hard to stop thinking about it. You feel tense, so you try to write it down. But it only makes you feel even more overwhelmed.

I’ve been there before. I remember staring at page after page of things to do. My to-do list gave me the illusion of organization, but it actually served to remind me of failure: evidence of daunting, defeating de-motivations.

Problem 2: I feel guilty I haven’t touched my calendar / to-do list / planner. I just need to force myself to use it.

You probably bought a calendar, but weeks go by and the pages stay blank. Or, you bought an expensive, leather-bound motivational planner, but writing in it is so time-consuming that you’ve just given up.

I call this the “whack-a-mole” technique. You buy tools that promise results, and hope it works. Lo and behold, it simply ends up sitting on your dresser gathering dust.

Problem 3: I've tried self-help books and apps before. Nothing seems to work.

There’s no shortage of self-help books, but reading takes time. In today’s digital world, doesn’t it feel ironic to pile on more work — to get more work done?

Not only that, but the plethora of productivity apps are designed to be open-ended. This makes it hard to get the right structure you need to get things accomplished.

Problem 4: I’m a major procrastinator. Always have been. I just need more motivation, but I’m not motivated enough.

You firmly believe that you are a procrastinator. You scramble until the last minute to pull off a miracle. And you believe that your work habits will never have a chance of improving.

This is where you fall into a trap of adopting the “I’m-a-loser” mindset. You might have the unshakeable belief that nothing can change, so you stew in mediocrity.

This is flat out not true.

Problem 5: I know I’m getting a lot of things done. But I don’t feel like I’m accomplishing much.

You’re already busy. You accomplish a ton. Yet you don’t feel satisfied. You often wonder if there’s something better in life.

Procrastination isn’t your issue. Purposelessness is.

I’ve been in situations where I’ve chased shiny objects, trying to go after the hottest new fad to fill a hole in my life. I also fell into the people-pleaser trap. My work time and free time were all dedicated towards making others happy.

The bottom line: it never fully felt gratifying. Dribbles of professional advice aren’t enough. You must go beyond tips, tricks, and motivation hacks. You need a whole new set of rules — a new playbook.


Move beyond the myths

Myth #1: “Work smarter. Not harder.”

Ah, yes. Ambiguous advice. It’s easy to say you need to work differently, but how do you do that exactly? There are many systems out there. Michael Hyatt’s Focus, David Allen’s Getting Things Done, Brian Tracy, Neil Fioré — all written by an older generation, of the non-digital era, from the same socioeconomic culture.

My Hack Productivity system shows you how to restructure your time and energy. It’s a modern set of rules for today’s work world, formulated by a minority millennial who has both succeeded and struggled under numerous mental frameworks systems.

Myth #2: “Write it down.” and “Read Getting Things Done.”

For each task, either Do it, Delegate it, Defer it, or Drop it. Create 43 folders. Have a workflow in place.

Getting Things Done is a classic book. But, it was written decades ago, during a time where people actually used paper folders and kept filing cabinets. This was when Palm Pilots and Blackberries were the hot thing.

In today’s working world, you need to make sure you hit the ground running, using a fully digital workflow that moves fast when you need it.

Myth #3: This new app will solve all your problems.

Outlook. Gmail. Google Calendar. These tools are essentials. But it’s all too easy to drown amidst the information overload. No one tells you what to put in these apps, how to structure your categories, and when to not rely on such apps. 

It’s hard to focus when there are so many productivity apps today vying for your attention. Should I use Notion? Evernote? Nimbus Note? Todoist? Trello? NotionMy Hack Productivity system breaks through the noise and recommends specific, reliable tools that will stand the test of time, and serve you for years to come

Myth #4: Use a paper planner.

Paper has many benefits: it slows you down, you can see a lot of information, and it’s tangible. It’s a cute, old-fashioned traditional method.

But in today’s digital world, you don’t want to be in a position where you are handwriting things from the screen, and back again. You also don’t want to rely on a tool that can easily get lost, with no backups, and with no way to share or delegate to others.

Myth #5: “Follow these 3 tips / 5 ways / 10 methods” 

CNBC, a business channel, has featured attention-grabbing headlines like “Completing this task first thing in the morning takes seconds—and it can make you more productive all day.” And blogs like the Huffington Post also proclaim “Make Your Bed, Change Your Life.”

Wow. Mind-blowing. Or how about “The Simple Trick To Productivity? Do One Thing At Once.”

You read article after article. But it ends up stressing you out. How do you actually incorporate this into your life?

Get more sleep. Go to bed. Take short breaks.

If you’re like me, you might get caught up in an avalanche of articles that claim they will revolutionize the way you work. It’s not enough to just read random articles on the Internet. You need a trusted playbook to manage your overwhelm, your tasks, and your projects.

From Steven Chan, MD MBA

Introducing the Hack Productivity system

The Hack Productivity system is my signature course, where you will learn about how to beat overwhelm, streamline the noise in your life, and set up a trusted process. This will get you working efficiently and effectively, in a way that respects your dignity, supports your goals in life, and lets you enjoy the productivity experience.


What Our Client's Say

Mental Power Hack's Time Mastery course was instrumental in boosting my productivity. I saw my daily patterns so much more clearly and Dr. Chan really helped walk me through building that self-awareness as the first critical step to improving your productivity. Dr. Chan offers a simple and reproducible system that is easy to implement “off-the-shelf.” While most productivity systems I have tried in the past require a lot of adjustment and practice to master, Mental Power Hack's Time Mastery system and the Life Circles method doesn't require any upfront practice to master. You just need to follow the directions and repeat! 

What I appreciated about Dr. Chan's courses were that it wasn't just the usual textbook answers. His lessons are coupled with honest, deep conversations about his personal experiences. It helped me feel more connected to the instructor throughout the course. It felt much more real.

Keisuke Nakagawa MD

CEO, WhiteKoat

“With over 15 years in the financial industry, I've become used to the troughs and peaks that accompany the industry and the extreme time constraints that bankers are expected to work under. Add a young family to the mix and there sometimes don't seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all the goals one sets out for themselves. Steve's insights in to help cutting the “excess fat” in one's life has certainly helped shape my new vision of focusing on the thing that matter and generally improve overall quality of life”

Kamal Masud

CFA MBA, Director

Whether you’re overwhelmed by the constant working from home or simply looking to streamline your life, this content is super helpful and timely. After spending years in the medical, business, tech and design industries, the courses are the culmination of Steve's unique perspectives and takeaways. The lessons are infused with his real life experience and vulnerable stories, making them so relatable and easy to follow. They prepare people to get more done in the real world while growing their well-being.

Clive Liew

Co-founder, BYOC O2O

I maintain over fifty open projects on any given day and am constantly looking for ways to be more efficient. After completing the course, I am more organized, focused and have streamlined my workflow to increase productivity in both my professional and personal life. This program has given me the tools I need to be more effective and has allowed me to be more creative as well.

Joslyn T. Chaiprasert-Paguio

Senior Editor and Brand Ambassador


About the Author

I’m a physician, entrepreneur, mental health expert and business owner who has created and led successful technology products. I’ve spoken at world-famous companies and institutions, such as Google, Harvard University, and Stanford University, and have been interviewed for U.S. News and World Report, Wired, Washington Post, PBS, NPR, and Men’s Health.

I teach at Stanford University, and draw from my extensive training at California’s leading institutes — UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Francisco, and more.

You will learn from my own personal experience as a successful leader in Silicon Valley’s technology sector and mentor to the next generation of leaders. And, as an experienced advocate of well-being and mental health. 

Together, we will analyze the latest business management and success research, from sources like the Harvard Business Review. In addition, we will draw from neuroscience and mental health for insights into peak performance strategies. This course will teach you how to build a system that prioritizes your own needs and values so that you can get the right things done at the right time.

Steven Chan has been featured in

Take a Glimpse Inside the

Hack Productivity courses

Discover my playbook for a productive, fulfilling life...both within your work and outside of it. The Inbox Mastery Course pairs with the Time Mastery course to supercharge your productive, organized work life and personal life.

The Time Mastery Modules include...

8 modules

Over 30 premium videos

4 weeks of paced content

Overworked? First, Reset Yourself

We are so busy feeling overworked that we're often caught up in the finicky minutiae. Hack your productivity by reflecting on your life’s progress, using my Life Circles method.

Double Your Brainpower—Digitally

Relying on memory isn’t going to cut it when you’ve got to keep track of 100 moving parts...which is why I am a huge advocate for setting up a trusted digital assistant, to free your time and energy.

If It’s Not on the Calendar, It Doesn’t Exist!

Your calendar is your #1 tool in how you control your #1 precious resource: time. As a high performer, you have a lot going on. And it can get overwhelming trying to juggle meetings and obligations. But, if it’s not on your calendar, it’s not going to happen!

Too Much to Do? Ten Hacks for To-Do & Task Mastery

There’s always too much to do, we can never get enough done, and we feel like we are running around in circles. Stop staring at your to-do list and beat that overwhelming feeling! Learn my system of arranging your tasks so you can get them done.

Beat time wasters, perfectionism, and procrastination

As you progress in your life, time becomes a much more important resource that others could exploit, deplete, and exhaust. Guard your time and energy with the Delegate-Automate-Multitask framework.

52 Hack-a-thons: Hacking your Weekly Reviews & New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Day is a chance for us to create resolutions. But why wait for the end of the year? Learn how to do this essential weekly review for quick, do-able course corrections.

It’s Fine to Fail: Why You Need Failures in Life

While it is important to celebrate the wins, it is just as important to celebrate the failures. The life lessons you learn and take away from these experiences are ones you will carry into your future, and influence your success later on.

How to Dominate & Celebrate

Often times, we get caught up in the work that we do, so much so that we don’t have a chance to step back and bask in the glory. But the most successful people pause often to celebrate their work. Give yourself permission to appreciate and celebrate your wins.

The Inbox Mastery modules include...

6 essential modules on inbox mastery, sharpening your focus, & strategic mindsets

An additional 29 premium streaming videos

4 weeks of paced content

Overwhelmed & overloaded? Streamline the noise to improve focus

Create a system that handles the noise, enhances your focus, and lets you work at your best and your happiest.

Drowning in Messages? How to Enhance Communication & Hack Your Inbox

The drive to respond to messages has led to a culture where we make ourselves work harder than necessary. Your ultimate goal is to streamline the “inboxes”. It takes two people to communicate. Empower yourself by setting your boundaries and your rules for communication.

Forgetting things? Remember everything with Evernote, Your Own Personal Search Engine

Busy, productive people need to handle multiple projects at any given moment. So how can you retrieve details, facts, papers, conversations, and even receipts at a moment’s notice? I’ll share how I solved the problem of storing and searching for information, allowing me to search my archive of work from the past decade.

How to Say “No” to FOMO...

...and “Yes” to the Joy Of Missing Out

All throughout my career, I’ve seen so many examples of how we are taught to say “yes,” that it’s good to “be hungry” for opportunities, and to be a team player. Why aren’t we taught to say “no”?

Feel drained? Feel distracted? Hacks to Gain Energy & Focus

Common patterns recur in all sorts of nervous, stressed out people trying to get to the top of their game. You likely have run into these mental roadblocks in the past. You might have felt defeated, or even felt like giving up. Use this playbook to shift your mindset and maximize your productivity.

How to Stay Hungry: Saying “Yes” to the Right Opportunities

If you think that it’s difficult to fit your current circumstances with your goals, needs, and priorities, take concrete action to introduce opportunities into your life.

...all included in the Digital Pro Bundle, a premium bundle with essential time-saving downloadable content.

The Digital Pro Bundle contains access to all 14 modules, plus hours of streaming video, and downloadable PDF files.

The PDF downloads are exclusive to the Digital Premium Bundle. The bundle includes:

PDF Downloads

Concise Executive Summary PDFs, plus a Digital Pro Bundle-only Playbook with Hands-on Worksheets & Checklists

Members Community

Exclusive access to the Mental Power Hacks members community on the Heights learning system

Downloadable Narrated MP3 Audio

All 14 Time Mastery & Inbox Mastery modules narrated by the author, for those who enjoy podcast-style listening.



Who is Hack Productivity for?

Hack Productivity is NOT for you if you...
  • Are not ready to overhaul the way you think about managing your time and energy.
  • Enjoy and relish shuffling tasks around on your to-do list.
  • Want to keep working around the clock, and want to keep up a people-pleasing stressful life because “that’s just the way it is.”
Hack Productivity is for you if you...
  • Are ready to take dramatic steps to supercharging your to do lists, time management, and work habits
  • Want to reshape your life goals strategically and employ creative thinking, so that you can prioritize meaningful work
  • Wish to go beyond motivation hacks, and commit today to adopt a comprehensive system that reduces decision fatigue, boosts total motivation, and allows you to get even more done

Are you ready to take your professional development to the next level?

Try the entire course for a full 60 days. 100% risk free.

It’s simple: Join the program. Try it out. You can even experience the entire course from start to finish. At any time, if you don’t love it — you will get 100% of your money back. Guaranteed. I’ll even take on the credit card processing fees.

Why do I guarantee my course? I’ve invested thousands of dollars of my own money into developing the course, running experiments, curating high-performing hacks, and throwing out the low-yield duds. I’ve have brought high production quality to make the finest, artisanal course. You cannot find this comprehensive system distilled anywhere else.

This guarantee lasts 60 days after purchase — beyond the 4-week duration of the course — so you have extra time to implement the playbook and transform your productivity.

I will ask you to show how you’ve implemented the course. The refund will still be available if you don’t like the course. But my intention is to have this course available for those who are ready to commit, make changes, and boost their productivity to advanced, high performance levels.


What Our Client's Say

In today’s fast-paced world where there is constant pressure to get things done, Dr. Chan's Mental Power Hacks strikes a perfect blend of not just getting through your tasks, but making sure the tasks are aligned correctly. In addition, he provides real-life examples from his own life that help illustrate both the concepts of his approach, but also the exact tools and methods that he uses. For example, to reduce getting interrupted, defer your low priority communication to email, and then use email templates to streamline the responses to those emails. Overall, this is a program you’ll want to revisit from time to time as your situation changes. I highly recommend it!

Kaisen Lin, PhD


It has been my pleasure to know Steven as a friend and colleague for a decade. In this course, Hack Productivity, he has distilled many of the learnings he has made through his extensive academic education in medicine, business, psychiatry, addictions and informatics. He has developed a set of simple approaches, and associated style guides, for anyone having difficulty managing their life, especially in relation to the increasingly intrusive impact of the multitude of technologies that surround us all. His recommendations and techniques are based upon a combination of science and his own experiences and are described in a way that will particularly appeal to those who self-describe as ‘digital natives’ and who want to retain control of their lives and live in a meaningful way.

Peter M. Yellowlees MD, MBBS

Even in the sea of resources about productivity, many of which I've tried, Hack Productivity has distinguished itself as a game-changing system for boosting productivity while prioritizing your wellbeing. Masterfully balanced, Hack Productivity is comprehensive, but it isn't a run-of-the-mill program. It helps you build an actionable plan personalized to you: your goals, your values, and your needs. Working these tools and techniques into my life has been an illuminating and invaluable experience.

Madison McCall

Nonprofit Founder & Executive Director

I've been a hardworking multitasker for years. In past efforts I'd been able to juggle several projects and get it all done. However, as more and more work found me, it became challenging to do it all. Over time, my ability to perform well was challenged by my need for perfectionism and unwillingness to delegate. The Hack Productivity course put me back on track. By learning new ways to prioritize work efforts and maximize efficiency, I'm able to get more done and enjoy my work more. My mindset is changing to focus on what matters and find the balance needed to be productive without the stress.

Angela Walker,  MD


Hack burnout. Hack productivity.

Choose from the following three packages:


$99 USD

in 4 monthly installments.

Purchase in full — save $47.

8 essential modules on Time Mastery, to take control of your schedule, tasks, & energy
6 essential modules on Inbox Mastery, sharpening your focus, & strategic mindsets
Executive Summary PDFs
PDF Playbook, with Hands-on worksheets & checklists
Podcast-style MP3 Audio, with Narration by the Author
Exclusive access to the Mental Power Hacks community

Does not include material from the Advanced or Digital Pro Bundles

Advanced Bundle

$129 USD

in 4 monthly installments.

Purchase in full — save $67.

8 essential modules on Time Mastery, to take control of your schedule, tasks, & energy
6 essential modules on Inbox Mastery, sharpening your focus, & strategic mindsets
Executive Summary PDFs
PDF Playbook, with Hands-on worksheets & checklists
Podcast-style MP3 Audio, with Narration by the Author
Exclusive access to the Mental Power Hacks community

This is our most popular package.

Digital Pro Bundle

$149 USD

in 4 monthly installments.

Purchase in full — save $97.

8 essential modules on Time Mastery, to take control of your schedule, tasks, & energy
6 essential modules on Inbox Mastery, sharpening your focus, & strategic mindsets
Executive Summary PDFs
PDF Playbook, with Hands-on worksheets & checklists
Podcast-style MP3 Audio, with Narration by the Author
Exclusive access to the Mental Power Hacks community

Includes content from all bundles.


Questions & Answers 

How does Hack Productivity work?

This course is a self-paced course that works how you want it to — you can read the content, listen to it like a podcast, or watch video explanations narrated by the author. The course draws from Steven’s own experience in executing & completing high-level projects. But it’s not a silver bullet. The course equips you with principles, mindsets, and ways of thinking to allow you feel and be more productive. And, while Steve provides recommendations on optimal hardware & software, the principles can be tailored to many commercially-available software and hardware.

What makes Hack Productivity different from other systems?

Many systems focus on the nuts & bolts of how to use one specific software package. Hack Productivity weaves together not just principles & mindsets for mastering time, energy, and inboxes, but places an emphasis on digital work life. You’ll learn to get things done, using efficient, off-the-shelf smartphone and computer apps.

Can I use a smartphone?

Yes! The course was designed so you can read, listen, and watch from your smartphone, tablet, and desktop computer. We realize your time is limited, and you can’t just be at your desk. You can learn anywhere, any time on your Internet-connected device.

What happens after I purchase Hack Productivity?

You will gain access to our exclusive learning management system — hosted on Heights Platform — and have instant access to the first module. Each module unlocks one by one, over the course of several weeks. That way, you have time to implement each lesson and pace yourself.

Will I wait for a shipment in the mail?

The course is 100% online and accessible via the Internet. There are no physical shipments, papers, or books you have to worry about.

What if this doesn’t work for me?

This course is tailored for those who want to master their digital life. It’s for those of you who are ready to commit, make changes, and boost their productivity to advanced, high performance levels.

But, if you find that it has not worked out for you, and you wish to return it within 60 days after purchase, you can take advantage of the 100% money back guarantee. To get this, I will ask that you show me how you’ve implemented the system, and where the system has failed you.

What if I’m not ready to buy now?

This course is not for everyone. If you are in financial debt, or if you don’t have the time to invest in yourself or make change, you can come back at a later time.

What if I don’t have enough time?

The course comes with lifetime access to the site, so you can pause when you need to, go on vacation, take a break, and come back and be able to access the material at your own pace. We get that life happens. Hack Productivity will be ready for you when you are.

Is this a live course?

This isn’t a live presentation. You won’t have to travel anywhere, reserve a time slot, or risk missing any content. All of the content is accessible from an online, student-only site where you can read, watch, and learn at your own pace.

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